After reading the name of this recipe, I thought to myself, "Wow, that is quite a long name for a cookie. I can't imagine how many ingredients are in there, if there are already that many in the title." To my surprise, I had all of the items right there in my pantry. A nice way to ease into Paula's cookbook. I myself am not a fan of crispy cookies, but if there is coconut in it, I am bound to be in love with it.
What I am bound to turn into after the 325 recipes in Paula's cookbook...BUTTER.
Yes, the dough was delicious, and yes, I waited until after I spooned it onto the pan before I decided to scrape the bowl.
At this point, I had all 3 boys at my feet hoping a few pieces would fall. I also noticed that a little mouse must have grabbed a bite of the cookie, or was it Mark?
A heaping mound of deliciousness!
After completing the recipe, I do agree with Paula when she mentions that the little crispies find their way onto the couch. I will be finding crumbs for the next few days, that I am sure of, until the last cookie is devoured. Just follow the trail and you'll find the culprit!
Crunchy Oatmeal Coconut Pecan Cookies Recipe
3 down.
Crunchy Oatmeal Coconut Pecan Cookies Recipe
3 down.
Whoops - Kylie - meant to put "1 down."