Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Basic Meatloaf with Buttery Buttermilk Potatoes

When it comes to meatloaf, Mark is usually the one that puts it together. He makes a mighty tasty one! I was excited, though, to try a new recipe with a different twist. The only thing I did differently from the recipe, was using smaller ramekins rather than a loaf pan. Firstly I don't have a loaf pan (surprisingly!), but also because its nice to have smaller individual meatloaves to store for leftovers.

Basic Meatloaf - Before

Buttery Buttermilk Potatoes - Before

YUM - After!

You may be thinking to yourself that "Buttery Buttermilk Potatoes" sure do sound buttery. I was quite surprised that there was less butter than I expected. Let's put it this way, Mark even put a little butter on top of the potatoes after they were done and scooped onto his plate. I definitely don't want to hear any remarks from him on the butter intake...not that he would complain, he is definitely my biggest fan.

Basic Meatloaf Recipe
Buttery Buttermilk Potatoes Recipe

3 down.

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